Phase I nearly complete!
Dear Friends,
You can see by the picture that phase I is nearly done. Originally, phase I was to build only the outer shell of the old depot. New wind storm requirements demanded that a great more was done to the interior. So the bad news is that Phase I was more expensive than we originally expected, but the good news is that portions of Phase II are now complete.
I must say that thanks to the strenuous new wind storm requirements, we will be in good shape in the event of another hurricane like Rita.
At our Christmas Party, we received some wonderful donations from friends of the Seafarers' Center. We are thankful for all donations, which include:
- Glenn and Kathy Boudreaux $1,000
- Andrew and Joyce Green $2500
- Extension Education Association of Jefferson County $600
- Cheniere LNG $5000
- Women's Maritime Club $500
- Huntsman Petrochemical Corp. $5000 (with an additional $5000 pledged)
- Gulf Copper Employees $10,000
- Port Neches Towing, Wayne and Forest Barber $6,000
If you haven't had a chance to donate yet, now's your chance! If you would like to speak to someone about the project, any one of our Board Members would be happy to speak with you. Feel free to call the Center at 409-982-4504 or call me directly at 409-985-4545
At 6:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
This is wonderful! Being able to walk through the building and look out through the top windows was exhilarating, and your photos renewed that pleasure. You all have much to be proud of for helping to bring back one of Port Arthur's treasures. Corliss
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