New Center opens Seafarers' Section!
The Seafarer's Section is open. This includes:
- Recreation area
- Communication Room
- Store/Office Area
- Bar
- Restrooms
Now don't run off too know there are several areas still awaiting funds for completion...........
This includes:
Meeting Room /Banquet facilities
Interfaith Chapel
Volunteer Workroom
Office for Chaplains
OH! And did I mention furniture???? Do you notice the chairs in front of the nice new TV donated by BASF? We sure would be interested in a couple of sofa's or Lazy Boys to go into this section. If you or a friend can assist with this, the seafarers....and our volunteers would certainly be grateful!Our new Center sports a modest bar, for those seafarers who would like a drink or two...(no more than that,, thank you very much!) It will also be available for those who wish to rent our meeting room/banquet facilities.
Here, Robert Collins, our driver ... and Baptist Chaplain ...tempts our volunteer Frank to a drink.....Frank took the coffee! (Actually....Robert doesn't drink it's all in good fun!)
We've had a Cigar Evening and a Bike Blessing in the New Center, and this last weekend, we were finally able to make the official move from the Old Center to the New Center.
We hope you'll give us a call and let us show you around the New Center. There are many completed areas to enjoy, and several incomplete areas to view and assist with.
Thanks to everyone for the on-going support!