Update of 2008..
Hello!! Its been such a long time since we have blogged and kept our members up with information and there is so much to be shared.. During the month of July we welcomed two new members to our team; Mr. Robert Collins is our NEW director of the Seafarers Center also Khiem Nguyen as our Office Coordinator. We are so HAPPY to welcome our New Staff Members!!
Along with our new members we celebrated our annual Cayman Night with the Port Arthur Chambers of Commerce at the Bob Bowers Civic Center in Port Arthur, TX. It was a HUGE success!! We had entertainment guest
BareFoot Man and the "Devil" himself!!

Father Sinclair, BareFoot Man and visitors VISITING the Seafarers' Center.
Father Sinclair conversating with the Devil!! =D
Is Father Sinclair being friends with the Devil?!
Maryanne Reid and Verna Rutherford Port Arthur Chambers of Commerce
Tracie Middleton one of our many volunteers! She's having too much fun at Cayman Night! =)
Doreen Badeaux and her nephew.
Father Sinclair introducing the native of Cayman Island to everyone in Southeast Texas.

Cute Kids!! =D
Nuong, Khiem, and Father Sinclair take a break!!
Doreen and Father Sinclairs' Dad
the Big Crowd!! =D
all and all everything went smooth and perfect! we had such a wonderful time and worked hard to make this event a night to remember throughout the year!!
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